4 Things Inspirational People Do

Anyone reading this has the ability to be an inspiration to others, yet we often feel inspiration must stem from atypical accomplishments and/or a uniqueness not common to the general population. Inspirational people are everywhere, all around us, not just those who have accomplished more, have a better job title, or are societally ranked greater than us in some way. However, when we stop only looking “up” for inspiring people, and start looking all around—a wider net is cast for us to be inspired.

An inspirational person is someone who teaches us something we did not know before—a lesson or perspective that motivates us to want to be a better person, employee, parent, student, etc. Put very simply, a person becomes inspiring when their way of being or actions cause us to pause, learn, and reflect on how we can apply greatness to our own life.

Oftentimes, we are inspired by people who do something that we would fear doing ourselves.

Aside from significant achievements or heroic acts, there are four particular characteristics inspiring people possess; which can live within anyone, at any age, and in most circumstances:

1. Say, “Yes!” to challenging opportunities:

Whether it be a presentation at work, becoming a parent, networking in a room full of strangers, going to college far away from home, trying out a new hobby—inspiring people are those who do not shy away from opportunities that push their comfort zone(s). It is not to say inspiring people have to be fearless—everyone has fear. However, inspiring people do not let their fears paralyze or prevent them from growth opportunities. Take note of how often you let fear stop you from doing something you otherwise would want to do. It is good practice, and it just might motivate you to start conquering some of those fears.

2. Honesty is their best policy:

Vulnerability is inspiring. When a person is honest about who they are, what they feel, and willing to share the good and bad—it makes them relatable, not weak. If you can think of a person in your life that “walks the talk” and is unapologetically “themselves”, then you have yourself an inspirational person to learn from immediately. Surround yourself with genuine people, and you will be inspired to reciprocate authenticity back—another good practice to start incorporating into all your relationships.

3. Build up those around them:

Inspiring people care about other people’s success, not just their own. You do not have to be in a position of power to build up those around you. It is important to recognize the idea that, “there is enough to go around.” When people credit others or take time out of their day to help someone else—not because they have to but because they are naturally inclined to—it is inspiring to watch. It reminds us of the good in the world, and shows us the power of integrity and kindness.

4. Take a curious approach to life:

Inspiring people ask good questions and take an interest in “life.” They do not let life pass by without taking time to understand and appreciate the “who, what, when, where, why and how?” Learning is a lifelong process for inspirational people—and their desire to learn new things naturally helps them find their own inspiration. When you see curiosity, gravitate towards it because there is likely a lesson ready and waiting for you.

I encourage everyone to seek out inspiration from others—and when you are inspired by someone—tell that person because they likely do not know it. And, do not forget you can easily inspire others just by being yourself (see #2). Feel free to post questions, comments, and of course, share this article with those who inspire you and/or need inspiration.

Shannon Theobald is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor / Motivational Speaker / Private Coach based in New Jersey. Shannon is passionate about helping others, and enjoys working with clients in a clinical capacity, as well as, a private coach/motivational speaker. To learn more about Shannon's professional interests and expertise, please visit her website: lemonadeandlove.com