The Art of Job Hunting

As a career coach, many clients come to me feeling completely overwhelmed and frustrated just with the application process alone. Whether it is writing a resume, tailoring cover letters, or even setting aside time to search for open positions and/or network—there are ten thousand reasons why people dread job hunting.

The first thing I tell my clients is, “Job hunting is an art!” And, it is true—like any other art form or craft—finding a job takes a certain set of skills, consistent motivation, and a lot of patience to master it. The good news is, the “hunt” can actually become fun once you understand the fundamentals and can get creative in your approach.

So, where do you start? Anywhere—just start!

Most job applications require a cover letter and resume, at minimum. In many industries and professions, having a professional website and/or LinkedIn profile will boost your credibility and give you more opportunities to network with other relevant professionals as well. But start wherever your strengths and interests are:

  1. If it motivates you to look at what jobs are out there—start surfing and saving roles that interest you. It is OK if you end up saving five positions that are completely different—if it interests you, save it or print it out.

  2. If you enjoy writing, start drafting a cover letter which highlights how you intend to bring your experience and strengths to the job. You can add in the company name and details later.

  3. If you prefer making lists—start making the bullet points of your experience, education, and skills needed for the resume. Begin with achievements or talents you are most proud of.

  4. If you like social networking, spend some time making a professional profile so you are ready to connect with other professionals along the way.

The key is to get going! You will not be wasting time by starting with any of the above options. These are the core “tools” needed for your hunt, and it takes time to craft each one.

If you remember nothing else, remember this fact: All it takes to land a job is one, “YES!”

Just ONE person needs to believe in you, which makes the “No’s” A LOT more tolerable. If you expect a reply from every job you apply for—you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Refreshing your email or/or waiting for the phone to ring will NOT help you land a job! Spend your time practicing your craft and challenge yourself to have some fun.

If you have questions or want to learn more about career coaching, please feel free to reach out to me. There are so many resources now to help you land a job, USE them to your advantage.

Happy hunting!

Shannon Theobald is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor / Motivational Speaker / Career Coach based in New Jersey. Shannon is passionate about helping others, and enjoys working with clients in a clinical capacity, as well as, a private coach/motivational speaker. To learn more about Shannon's professional interests and expertise, please visit her website: